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PREMIUM PLUS coaching gives you coach-initiated calls to your mobile every week, program designed specifically to your needs and adjusted as your fitness, circumstance or goal(s) change.
This is ideal for busy professionals seeking a logical, "reactive", progressive and personalised plan of training and recuperation at any stage in the year. Ideal for time-crunched people who want the coach to chase them!
* 6 or 12 month period with weekly update to program or session "menu".
* You also receive proprietary Heart Rate Zone tools, benchmark tests and analysis.
* Interaction: once a week “coach initiated” 25-minute call on Mobile, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Messenger (flexible to any time zone changes)
* E-interaction: UNLIMITED e-mail/texts
* Suits: athlete looking for specific guidance and goal setting with regular interaction by coach-initiated call at a time that suits you
* This package includes 6-7 hour session with Joe:
Max Heart Rate/Power Test using your bike (30mins)
Bike Fit checked on Training Bike (2h)
Consultation with lunch (1-1.5h)
Delivered in North Devon (Total value £450) Availability: 3 places
Fees: £855 for 6 months or £1650 per annum (£165 monthly direct debit after 1 year)
PREMIUM This gives you coach-initiated calls to your mobile every week, program designed specifically to your needs and adjusted as your fitness, circumstance or motivation and goals change.
** This coaching package is the most popular high-end coaching package.
This is ideal for athletes seeking a logical, "reactive", progressive and personalised plan of training and recuperation at any stage in the year. Ideal for busy people who want the coach to chase them!
A 3.5-hour session with Joe including:
BioRacer AeroFIT (2.5h)
Max Heart Rate/Power Test (0.5h)
1-2-1 consultation (1h)
Delivered in North Devon (Total value £220)
6 or 12 month period with weekly update to program or session "menu".
Clients also receive proprietary diary, Heart Rate Zone tools, benchmark tests and analysis.
Interaction: once a week “coach initiated” 20-minute call - plus unlimited e-mail/text support
Suits: athlete looking for specific guidance and goal setting with regular interaction by coach-initiated call at a time that suits you
Availability: 2 places
Fees: £630 for 6 months or £1100 per annum (£110 monthly direct debit after 1 year)
STANDARD coaching package gives you cost-efficient services designed to your needs, your fitness and your goals.
This is ideal for athletes seeking a logical, progressive plan of training and recuperation. It includes:
6 or 12 month period with fortnightly program or session "menu".
Clients also receive proprietary diary, HR-tools, benchmark tests and regular analysis.
Interaction: fortnightly 20 minute call (athlete initiated) plus up to FOUR e-mails/texts between calls (in office hours)
Suits: athlete looking for economic coaching guidance
Discounts: 10% discount off PRECISION BIKE FIT, POWER TESTS, 1-2-1 plus other partner discounts
Availability: 3 places
Fees: new clients now £290 every 6 months or £560 per annum (£55 monthly direct debit after 1 year) Less than one year £350 for 6 months or £65 per month pro rata.
ADD A 6-hour session with Joe including:
Bioracer Aero Optimisation (2h usually £150)
Max Heart Rate/Power Test (0.5h usually £40)
1-2-1 consultation (1.5h usually £50)
Delivered in North Devon - Total value £380 Book when you sign up and pay only £250.00 for a 6-hour session